Chip Wade
Kirkland, WA
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UPDATE(3/4/11): I can honestly say that becoming a part of ACN has made me a better person. What I thought I was getting myself in to and what I am getting out of it are two completely different things. It wasn't until I took the time to see it for what it really is did I finally get it. I joined ACN to simply make some extra money. Now that I a part of it I can honestly say that making extra money isn't even in the top 3 of benefits. It is still a very nice thing but what else I get out of it is so much more important. Here are the top 3 benefits in my 100% honest opinion: 1) Being around massive amounts of positve energy. It is completely invigorating to be around so many people wanting each other to succeed. It does wonders for your own energy and you see when you interact with people outside of ACN. 2) Networking. You meet SO MANY people. I have met 100's and 100's of people in only the one month that I have been in ACN. Everyone there has their regular 9 to 5's and have joined ACN for the exact same reason you did. To break the mold. 3) It simply makes me a better person. I think about how I interact with people and how much attitude affects everyone I interact with. When I start to get irritated I catch myself and avoid it. It's simply not worth the energy it takes to be mad. 4) The extra money. Every month you get percentages of money when people pay their bills. Bills they have been paying for years and will continue to pay for the rest of their lives. They just happened to get their service from you, someone they know, and your small business. Pretty straight forward. Great thing to be a part of. Very happy I gave myself the opportunity.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Rise of the Little Guys

We get so caught up in convenience that we don't even think for a second about where our money is going and what that decision ultimately affects.  I watched a short video today about how the big stores like Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Costco are completely wiping out small businesses.  If you stop for a second and think about it there are some pretty severe consequences by doing all of your shopping at major chains.  Think about when and where you grew up.  What was once the local grocery store everyone shopped is now gone and a Walmart has replaced it.  Spanaway is a perfect example.  If you needed something growing up you went to Safeway or you went to Stock Market.  Now that a Walmart Superstore rolled into town everyone is shopping there.  Those other two are ghost towns.  This is happening everywhere in America.  The town in Missouri I lived in for a while (St. Joseph) has a Super Walmart on both ends of the same street!  I worked there twice!  They paid me and every one else there nothing.

But you should think about all of the small mom and pop stores that Walmart drove out of business.  Some of those people had to go on and get jobs at Walmart!  How sad is that?   It makes you really appreciate some of the Seattle towns like Ballard, Fremont, and West Seattle.  Where it seems as though they are not allowing the big corporate outfits to open businesses.  I have thought more than a few times while working in Fremont, "Man I wish they had a McDonald's close to my work."  But I catch myself and think how nice it is that Fremont doesn't allow these guys to come in.  A lot of mom and pop shops are able to survive because of it.

I can literally walk outside of my place and throw a rock at McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Time, and Wendy's.  If I put a crow hop into it I can hit the Olive Garden right next to the Azteca!  I bet reading this will make you think twice about shopping at the big places or at least make you think about it while you are doing it.  How cool would it be to devote a month to shopping at only locally owned stores and small businesses?

If you have never heard of Shopsin's in New York I would highly recommend watching "I Like Killing Flies".
Get it on Netflix.  Thank the Lord that places like this are still in business!

If the big guys have their way every personable locally owned place you shop at will be gone.  You will be giving your business to the giants out there making big wigs and stock holders needlessly wealthy while we (the little consumer) have no choice but to give our business to them.  You know when you hear about a CEO that got 100's of millions of dollars for a bonus last year?  It's because of all the business they get.

Makes you stop and think about it.  Everyone I know has at one time or another thought of starting their own business.  From opening a restaurant to selling tshirts.  If enough people are forced to do their shopping at the big names there will be NO CHANCE for the mom and pop shop to start, let alone survive.

I don't know if it is my ACN experience that got me to think more about this or the YouTube video I watched(  But it is starting to get completely out of hand.

The ACN example: the Telecommunications industry is a TRILLION+ dollar industry.  ACN has a less than 1% presence.  You can easily guess who the major players are and who gets rich off of the proceeds.  ACN gives the little guy a chance to run their own small business selling the major products and brands people already use today and give them a chance to get just a crumb of that TRILLION+ dollar profit.  Yes this means the major outfits like TMobile, AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint are still getting their large chunks but at least we(the little guys) are getting our crumbs.  When I say crumbs I mean 1% of $1,000,000,000,000.  You are more than welcome to go start your own cell phone company, not.

Pretty unbelievable.  The next time you drive through your old town take note of the new big stores, restaurants, movie places, banks, etc.  Even the smallest of towns out in the middle of nowhere are being taken over. (please visit Omak, WA)

Thank you for listening.
Chipper :)

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