Chip Wade
Kirkland, WA
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UPDATE(3/4/11): I can honestly say that becoming a part of ACN has made me a better person. What I thought I was getting myself in to and what I am getting out of it are two completely different things. It wasn't until I took the time to see it for what it really is did I finally get it. I joined ACN to simply make some extra money. Now that I a part of it I can honestly say that making extra money isn't even in the top 3 of benefits. It is still a very nice thing but what else I get out of it is so much more important. Here are the top 3 benefits in my 100% honest opinion: 1) Being around massive amounts of positve energy. It is completely invigorating to be around so many people wanting each other to succeed. It does wonders for your own energy and you see when you interact with people outside of ACN. 2) Networking. You meet SO MANY people. I have met 100's and 100's of people in only the one month that I have been in ACN. Everyone there has their regular 9 to 5's and have joined ACN for the exact same reason you did. To break the mold. 3) It simply makes me a better person. I think about how I interact with people and how much attitude affects everyone I interact with. When I start to get irritated I catch myself and avoid it. It's simply not worth the energy it takes to be mad. 4) The extra money. Every month you get percentages of money when people pay their bills. Bills they have been paying for years and will continue to pay for the rest of their lives. They just happened to get their service from you, someone they know, and your small business. Pretty straight forward. Great thing to be a part of. Very happy I gave myself the opportunity.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Just Got Back from New York

Just got back from a 10 day work trip to Manhattan.  I worked way too much but I took every free chance I had to see the sights.  I got to see everything I was hoping to see.  New York is 100% all the time.  It makes me appreciate what I have here in Seattle.  City life with the small town life just miles away.  Everywhere you go in Manhattan you are downtown.  I even got to eat at the Shopsin's restaurant that I mentioned in the previous post.  Amazing food, I am still thinking about it.  I had the Spingsteen with Smashbrowns. 

I am very happy that I can now cross New York off of the list.  Many more things to see.  Cabo is next.

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